During this month's long wait to get the women's 'jovies', we realized that the men's overalls had a fun fit on women as well. Pictured, Corinne Prevot the founder of Skida Headwear in Vermont on a trip meeting up with various friends around the country. We shot these snowy images of her as she prepared to release their Nordic Revival line in Crested Butte. Designs that feel as refreshingly modern retro as the Ripton & Co. product line, we thought they paired nicely, as does Corinne's light-hearted, fun vibes!
If you want to get your boyfriend or girlfriend or secret admirer performance denim for Valentine's Day (they will definitely last longer than chocolate) we will guarantee to get all orders that come in by 9am MST Monday February 8th out the door the same day, end of the day Feb 8th. These orders will arrive in time for Valentine's Day.

If you've scrolled this far, we'll leave the discount code of 'Vdizzle' up for 48 hours. The codes tend to leak across the internet if we leave them open for too long, crushing our thin margins. If you've already been rocking your jorts or overalls, please leave a review under each of the product pages, it helps people understand your nuanced and intimate connection to performance denim. #lifeisjort