New Zealand Team Outing S25

Enjoy a visual odyssey from Jortbag Factory Racing and our friends in the foothills of Queenstown, New Zealand. Images by Callum Wood. 

Remy Morton shredding
Kaia and Ari hanging out

Ripton team triptic

group of mountain bikers hiking up the hill
downhill mountain bike shredding

two photos of Kaia Jensen
the team hanging out on top of a mountain.

Ari Soto photo collage.
Two mountain bikers hanging out.

Red bull helmet in an old truck.

Freeride mountain bike lifestyle.
Kaia hitting a bermed corner.
Freeride mountain biker throwing up dust.
freeride mountain bike lifestyle.
Kaia hitting a jump.
one footed can mountain bike jump.
ari and kaia hanging out and riding.
Two freeride mountain bikers descending.