Hi Friends! Our action denim has finally arrived and we're celebrating! It’s lighter, stretchier, and softer. With a classic wash, the Version 2.0’s are also slightly longer, 'cause you can always go jorter. Covid slowed down our US production and we appreciate your patience. This moment is huge for us and we want you on our team. Our dream is to continue expanding our performance jorts offering, with more perfection, washes, and styles, making your life a brighter, more comfortable reality. Therefore we’re calling this Tuesday 7/28/20 a “Joliday"(a performance jorts holiday). A celebration of doing things on your own terms, living out of your Subaru, chasing your dreams, sleeping under the stars, getting sendy at all parts of life, especially 'jiking'.
Please tag @Ripton_Co in a post or story on Tuesday (7/28), our inaugural Joliday (along with our signature hashtag #lifeisjort). Whether you're opening your jorts you preordered, riding in them, or posting an old iphone photo from that killer Halloween 2012 Agassi costume when you wore your favorite cut-offs, whatever inspires you. We will be giving away a pair of V2 Ripton Jorts to a randomly selected Jortisan from posts on Tuesday - Wednesday that use #lifeisjort we'll announce the winner via our stories Wednesday eve. We’re also running a discount code JORTOPIA (for 10% off) in celebration of the new 2.0 arrival until August 1st. Share https://riptonco.com/ with your friends, loved ones, Canadian Tuxedo obsessives. We will start running out of sizes by the end of the week. Here are a few images if you don't have your own: JONTENT
'At Ripton & Co. we're a ragtag group of ski bums, misfits, eccentrics, scrappy denim-clad outdoor freaks, idealists, striving to building something from nothing, a value-driven movement in the midst of chaos and consolidation all around us. We're excited to have you along for the ride!'
Thank you for your support,
Elliot Wilkinson-Ray